MyButton.h, a comprehensive guide

1. What does the library offer?

  • Detection of pressing events on both the RISING/FALLING edges with debouncing.

  • Association of multiple behaviors for a single button by creating multiple “checkpoints” for the button to report reaching upon release.

  • Getting the progress of the pushed button towards a target period in a number of specified steps.

  • Getting the time the button have been clicked for in 3 units (seconds, milliseconds, microseconds).

All happening in a non-blocking manner.

2. How to use?

The workflow is basic, you first instanciate an object MyButton my_button with one of the customization options that are availabe, and then you call of the methods associated with the object my_button.__method_name__() in the loop(){ }.

2.1. Instanciation of a button

  • Default debouncing time of 5ms:

    • MyButton my_button(MY_BUTTON_PIN, NORMAL_UP);

    • MyButton my_button(MY_BUTTON_PIN, NORMAL_DOWN);

  • Custom debouncing time:


The NORMAL_UP, and NORMAL_DOWN keywords refer to whether the push button is normally UP or DOWN (pulled UP or DOWN).

2.2. Available methods

  • bool readRawClick();
    • Returns whether the button was pressed or not NON-DEBOUNCED

  • bool readRisingClick();

    • Returns a boolean value corresponding to the occurrence of a rising edge on the button pin.

  • bool readFallingClick();

    • Returns a boolean value corresponding to the occurrence of a falling edge on the button pin.

  • uint32_t readTimedPress(uint8_t unit);

    • Returns the time the button has been clicked for in one of 3 units (micros, millis, seconds) NON-DEBOUNCED

  • uint8_t readInSteps(uint32_t period, uint8_t num_steps);

    • This function takes in a period in milliseconds and a number of steps, and on each step of that period step == period/num_steps, returns the index of the step, 0 INDEXED, else returns NON_CLICKED (==255).

  • uint8_t readInProvidedSteps(uint32_t * periods, uint8_t num_steps);

    • This function takes in an incrementally sorted list of ``periods`` in milliseconds, and reports the index of the reached period in the list, else it returns NON_CLICKED (==255). ZERO-INDEXED

  • uint8_t readMultiple(uint32_t * periods, uint8_t len);

    • This function takes in an incrementally sorted list of ``periods`` in milliseconds, and if the button have been pressed for more than one of the periods (CHECKED ON RELEASE), it’d return the index of the period in the list, else it returns NON_CLICKED (==255). ZERO-INDEXED

2.3. Notes

  • In case you choose to do a NORMAL_DOWN button, make sure to externally pull down the push-button, otherwise, an internal pull-up resistor is used by default to the NORMAL_UP mode.

  • For saving on resources, and since there’s no apparent use-case where someone would configure one button to exert more than one of the behaviors possible through the functions, the time tracking and the state variables are shared between functions, so calling _ as an example _ my_button.readRisingClick(), and my_button.readFallingClick back to back in the same loop would make the code behave unpredictibly.